Saturday, April 17, 2010

Bosco, showjumper?

Friday, I decided that I wanted to check out how Bosco would react to fences in the arena so me and Astri let Bosco and Miriel have some fun.

All pictures: Inga and Astri Rebbeng

Bosco and Miriel, quiet before the storm


Bosco had a lot of fun, running around like a complete maniac

No need for fences

Look what I can do!


Miriel knows how to jump aswell


I love this picture! They are so cute together

I look like I'm almost asleep, but Bosco knows how to pose

One day, I'll test how he reacts to fences with a rider on his back. He has alot of power in his hindquarters allready so I think he will do allright in showjumping, just needs to get a little older and stronger.