The past year has been great in many ways. I have, after 19 years in the saddle, realised what I want out of my life with horses. I know how I want to train, and more importantly, I know how i don't want to train. I have a job which I like and feel that i manage to do it well.
New years resolutions
- Be more positive! think before i speak and don't be to eager to judge people, there is usually a reason why people do what they do.
- Be myself and don't take it personally if other people judge me or don't like the choices I make in life. It's my life and I'm going to live it the way I want to!
- Buy a horse!
- Improve my riding skills
- Get a job! (not only the deputyship I've got now)
- Eat healthier, which means more planning from day to day. This also means; money saved!
- Exercise more. (not only riding)